Divorce & Family Law

Massachusetts Paternity Law

When a child is born to two married parents, the husband is the legal father and his name is put on the child’s birth certificate. However, in the diverse society in which we live, children are born into families of many different dynamics. When parents are unmarried, paternity must be legally established in order for the father to appear on

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Massachusetts Child Custody and Visitation Laws

Divorce is rarely easy, and even less so when it comes to custody and visitation arrangements for children. In Massachusetts, the top priority of the courts is to determine arrangements that are “in the best interests of the child”, but that may not always be as straightforward as it seems. This is not the time to try and do it

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Domestic Violence Laws in Massachusetts

In the state of Massachusetts, domestic violence laws include physical harm or the intent to physically harm, the infliction of fear of physical harm, and involuntary sexual relationship against a family or other household member. This crime is especially serious if the victim was violated by the suspect while a protective order was in place. Definition of a household member:

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Understanding the Annulment Process in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, anyone who is no longer happy in their marriage can get a divorce for just about any reason. However, there are some cases where the marriage should not be legally recognized in the first place. In these situations, an annulment may be the best option. Understanding the annulment process in Massachusetts can help determine if this is an

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Discovery Process in Massachusetts Divorce

When deciding to pursue a divorce in Massachusetts, certain processes must be completed by each party in an effort to fairly divide marital assets and debts. Financial disclosure procedures play an integral part in the divorce process. The information gathered by disclosures can affect the outcome of a divorce, and according to Massachusetts law, these rules must be followed exactly

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Filing for divorce in Massachusetts

The legal process of divorce in Massachusetts can be complicated; therefore, it is in the best interest of each individual to consider hiring an attorney who focuses on Massachusetts divorce and family law, even if the divorce is considered “uncontested.” Before filing for divorce in Massachusetts you will have to consider the following:  Residency Requirements In Massachusetts, the couple must

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Should You File as a Fault or No-Fault Divorce in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts divorce has specific rules that differ from some other states, specifically in two varieties of divorces. Filing for “no fault” or “fault” divorces might sound as simple as they sound. Regardless, both may not always be simple with “fault” divorces always being the most complicated. Some of the details involved can make even a “no fault” divorce more complicated

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New MA Child Support Guidelines

Massachusetts has revised the Child Support Guidelines with the new guidelines taking effect on August 1, 2013. The guidelines adjust the formula for child support and provides judges a little more use of their discretion in determining the total amount of income from both parties. Read the new Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines.

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Reasons You May Need a Spousal Support Modification

Years ago, just about anyone could receive spousal support as part of their divorce settlement. However, today, many states, including Massachusetts, have instated more guidelines to determine who will receive alimony. In general terms, short-term marriages will not qualify, though the courts may consider income discrepencies, the health of the parties and other factors in making a final decision. Regardless

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How Is Spousal Support Determined In Massachusetts?

One of the most common questions when going through a divorce is about spousal support. Spousal support is often called alimony, and it is a word that many people hear but don’t quite understand. When you hear about divorces involving famous people, most often there are large amounts of money named. You may hear about alimony payments in the millions

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