Legal Blog

Should we hire a criminal defense attorney for our son?

Additional Information: Our son is a freshman in college at a Boston school and was home visiting for the holiday break.  While out with some friends he was arrested by the Sudbury police for possession of a small amount of cocaine. My wife and I want the best possible result for him and are contemplating hiring an attorney to defend

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General Litigation – $575,00.00 on counterclaim

General Litigation A Sterling, Massachusetts company received a $575,000.00 settlement as a result of a counterclaim for damages related to a wood chipper that was contaminated by a fuel delivery person pouring diesel fuel into the hydraulic oil tank.  The settlement encompassed both damages to the machine itself in the amount of $50,000.00, plus economic loss for the time the

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I fell and injuried myself in a Southborough MA restaurant.

Additional Information: I fell and injured my knee at a restaurant in Southborough.  The carpeting was loose.  There were several other patrons who tripped over the carpet before me, and this all happened in front of the hostess stand.  I’ve had knee surgery and continue physical therapy.  Do I have a case against the restaurant and can I sue for

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What’s our liability if our dog bites someone?

Additional Information: We live in Framingham, MA and I just got a German Sheppard for my kids. My wife is concerned about our liability if the dog bites someone when she gets older. I thought this would be covered by our homeowners insurance.   Is that so? Thank you in advance for your help. ATTORNEY ANSWER: Massachusetts has a strict liability

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Will money earned after separation be awarded to my ex?

Additional Information: My wife and I have been separated for over a year. I am living with a new partner and considering starting my own business. Will my wife have any claim on the monies when we go through the divorce? ATTORNEY ANSWER: Until the divorce has been finalized the court may divide up assets even though they may have

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In MA, can child support be modified without going to court?

Additional Information: My ex and I have agreed to lowered payments and we have drawn up a new agreement which we both signed.  Is what we did legally binding or can she sue me for back child support? ATTORNEY ANSWER: The agreement should be filed and approved by the court in order for it to be valid. It would be

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Can you explain the law in MA regarding leaving the scene of an accident?

Additional Information: My 22-year old daughter was involved in a minor accident in a shopping plaza in Framingham, MA.  She doesn’t know if she caused damage to the parked car she hit.  She left the parking area without leaving her contact information and now she’s wondering what she should do.  Can you please explain the law in this situation and

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In Massachusetts, how are assets divided in a divorce?

Additional Information: We have been married for over thirty years, unfortunately, I now realize that all of our assets are in my husband’s name.  Does this mean that if I file for divorce I will not get anything? ATTORNEY ANSWER: Not at all.  It matters little to a Probate Judge whose name the property is in.  Rather, the Judges in

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