Criminal Defense

Criminal Law Cases

With a background in criminal law and having served as an Assistant District Attorney, Attorney Morte has represented numerous clients who have been charged with criminal offenses. A small sample of cases handled successfully by Attorney Morte have included: Operating under the influence of drugs or alcohol General motor vehicle offenses including negligence, operating after suspension or other similar charges

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Field Sobriety Tests in Massachusetts

In order to identify citizens who are driving under the influence of alcohol and certain drugs, police will often use Field Sobriety Tests to determine if a driver is under the influence. A driver is said to be under the influence of alcohol if their blood alcohol concentration is above 0.08%, and in commercial drivers the limit is set at

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Are Parents Held Accountable for “Social Hosting” ?

It’s well-known that the legal drinking age in all states, including Massachusetts, is 21. However, what about “social hosting”? Social hosting refers to providing alcohol or other illegal substances to a minor that is not your own child on your property or in an environment you control. Especially during graduation time, some parents reason if they provide alcohol at a

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What is reckless endangerment of a child under Massachusetts law?

When applied to children, it’s putting a child in grave danger due to negligence of a particular act. In the state of Massachusetts, it usually works under two different legal scenarios. The first is the act of creating the risk, and the second is not doing anything to prevent that risk. Creating Substantial Risk The first half of the Massachusetts

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Can we refuse to press charges so the case goes away?

Additional Information: My friend and I got into a fight outside a bar in Berlin.  The police witnessed it and arrested us both for assault but neither wants to press charges against the other. So, is there anything we can do, like refuse to press charges so the whole thing goes away? ATTORNEY ANSWER: Unfortunately once the matter is in

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Should we hire a criminal defense attorney for our son?

Additional Information: Our son is a freshman in college at a Boston school and was home visiting for the holiday break.  While out with some friends he was arrested by the Sudbury police for possession of a small amount of cocaine. My wife and I want the best possible result for him and are contemplating hiring an attorney to defend

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Can you explain the law in MA regarding leaving the scene of an accident?

Additional Information: My 22-year old daughter was involved in a minor accident in a shopping plaza in Framingham, MA.  She doesn’t know if she caused damage to the parked car she hit.  She left the parking area without leaving her contact information and now she’s wondering what she should do.  Can you please explain the law in this situation and

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